Saturday, January 14, 2006

Where'd you go?
I miss you so
Seems like it's been forever that you've been gone
Where'd you go?
I miss you so
Seems like it's been forever that you've been gone
Please Come back home

and sometimes i think i react too much about the smallest things on earth.
too much drama in your life makes you feel really fucked up sometimes.
sometimes i just want to be normal for a bit.
take it easy eliza
deep breath
and shut up with all your dramamama.
sometimes i feel like keeping all my energy, spark, live, laughter all into little bottles.
because i feel like i seem to be losing it all.

And I find myself trying to stay by the phone
Because your voice always helps me to not feel so alone

call me,
because everytime i hear your voice,
i feel as though ive never been happier.

Where'd you go?
I miss you so
Seems like it's been forever that you've been gone
Where'd you go?
I miss you so
Seems like it's been forever that you've been gone
Please Come back home

maybe i take things too seriously,
way too seriously.
i ought to get a grip on myself.
where have all your sense of humour went to?
where have all your spontaneity went to?
where are all your energy, live, spark, laughter?
catch them back,
before everything is too late.


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